Aura Reading Retreat | Food

13.10.2018 - 21.10.2018

Communicating with your intuition and Inner Truth

The Aura Reading Retreat | Food is an invitation for those who want to access deeper layers of themselves from an energetic perspective, with a more specific focus on their relationship with food from a broader perspective.

These 9 days are a gateway to a universe of reconnection with your intuition and inner truth through healing experiences, energy cleansing and the Aura Reading tool itself.

The retreat also teaches techniques so that you are able to connect through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and other senses with your essence and the essence of another person. Through this conversation that is the Reading of Aura, we capture important information for the process of growth and transformation of the person being read. This is a powerful tool to see our truth, because everything in our lives happens from an energetic dynamic, and when we see and understand this dynamic, we can act on it or change it by being aware.

To whom is this retreat recommended?

  • for those who want to open their intuition and begin to communicate with their inner truth with simplicity
  • for those who want to get in deeper contact with their potentials and strength to realize their dreams,
  • for those who want to identify negative behaviors and patterns that interfere with their life and well-being,
  • for those who want to learn to read their own aura and use this tool of self-knowledge constantly.

There are no prerequisites for taking this course, but we recommend that you receive an Aura Reading from a therapist at the Aura School before coming to the retreat, to know what this tool will teach you.

Contents and themes worked on the retreat *

You will leave this retreat knowing how to read auras according to the technique taught by the Aura School, and you can use it for your own benefit and growth.

In the retreat the base of the diet is a specific vegan one, with a menu built to keep up with the intentions of each day, including a detoxification process and a lighter diet at times.

  • Initiation in Roses Meditation (for cleaning and protection of the aura)
  • Initiation in Aura Reading
  • Self Reading (ability to read one’s own aura)
  • Past Healing Lives
  • What we manifest in matter as a reflection of what is within
  • Universal Laws and Hermetic Principles
  • Meditations and experiences
  • Inner Confidence
  • Initiation in Essential Reiki 1
  • Our Insecurities and Illusory Needs
  • Traumas of the past and the discovery of our wounded inner child
  • Masks and Fears that Prevent Joy
  • Ego x Inner Truth,
  • Unraveling the Guilt
  • Energy of love and universal healing,
  • Human Love x Divine love,
  • Power of the word,
  • How to manifest in this dimension related to Universal Laws,
  • Intuition,
  • Spirituality,
  • Compassion,
  • Limiting illusory programs/beliefs that we carry,
  • Ho’ponopono, mantra of love, forgiveness, gratefulness and acceptance.

* The themes worked and the programming can vary according to the need of the participants



The Aura Reading tool is based on the Roses Meditation taught on the first day of retreat and you can always practice it. The Roses Meditation is a cleansing and protection technique that assists readers to access a state of neutrality, seeking to perform the readings without interference of the mind and ego.

The core intention of all Aura Reading Retreats is to bring into your consciousness your inner truth through healing, cleansing and the Reading of Aura. There are different themes for each retreat that allow the participant to immerse themselves in the energy of this theme, such as:

  • Aura Nature,
  • Aura Manifestation Power,
  • Aura Education and Relationships,
  • Aura Arts,
  • Aura Healing and Self-Knowledge,
  • Aura for Young People
  • Aura for Therapists.

In all Initiation retreats the participant does a deep self-knowledge work and learns to read auras, but he/she is not empowered or authorized to act as an Aura Reading therapist.

The path for those who may have Aura Reading as a professional tool includes an initial retreat such as this but requires at least two years of training and follow-up at the Aura Reading School which includes various retreats for deepening, a lot of reading training, and a close follow-up of that person’s development process.

To learn more, write to leituradeaura@